Sunday, October 4, 2009

Is the McAfee Security Center special edition, provided by AOL for free any good?

McAfee was recommended by friends, yet others say it doesn't protect the computer at all. I wanted a free antivirus software for now while I am planning to purchase one soon?

Is McAfee any good at all? Thanks in advance.

Is the McAfee Security Center special edition, provided by AOL for free any good?auto protect

I do not understand why others even without trying has given so much careless comments about McAfee - AOL special edition.i have the same and and is excellent.particularly the Internet aspect it provides full cover.may be the only problem is its scanning takes nearly an hour to finish.

In my opinion and experience with it I am sure to endorse it as the good recent thing that has happened in anti virus area.

Is the McAfee Security Center special edition, provided by AOL for free any good?downloads

I tried its anti spyware it was very annoying, I mean free antispyware was better, I removed it hours after I installed it, it was slowing my system down, and giving me annoying advertisement popups of it self telling me to buy this and that
Forget about Mc Afee. Dump the Idea. It is Resources Hogging program.

My suggestion.. go to, download AVG Anti Virus Free Edition. Wth this program, updates can de downloaded daily basis and the protection is good. It covers your e-mail also.

Also download Window Defender from But u can only download it if yr operating software that is XP or Vista Original only.

Wth this two program, your pc wll be faily good protected.

James C

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